Cold Connection and Collage Jewelry Workshop
Nancy Jamar, Designer, Instructor
Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:00-3:00 Skill Level-All
$50 Class Fee (Kit Included, see below)
This Victorian-styled festoon necklace is built on a base of chain in different sizes and weights to create texture and interest. The main focal will be an antique metal button combined with old mother of pearl and collaged on a lovely filigree, and shaped filigree bails will be made from connectors, and joined with textured rings. The inner festoon of chain will hold a lovely vintage heart-shaped locket, set with a mother of pearl cabochon.

This is a great beginning to intermediate cold connection class that lets you leave with a lovely necklace finished and ready to wear with your best dress or jeans and boots. If you have additional components, beads, or dangles that you would like to incorporate into your design, please bring them to class, and we’ll work with them during the composition of your necklace. We will build the book chain shown, as well as the decorative bails/connectors.

All class fees are prepaid. Kit fees are paid directly to the artist. Contact class manager Dede Warren at 714-757-0558 to reserve your place in this class. You may also reserve your place in person at the store by check, check, cash or credit card, or via phone with your credit card. Call us if you need assistance...we'll be happy to help! Details on the class blog at