Designer and Instructor~Sidney Hanner
Saturday, July 11, 2009 11:00a-4:30p
(includes a break for lunch)
Workshop fee: $70 prepaid
Kit Fee: $7

• Small hand held butane torch, available from Harbor Freight. Cost: approximately $10. Please pre-fill.
• Center punch with a sharp point, available from Sears. Cost: approximately $5.00
• Pipe cutter, available from Harbor Freight. Cost: approximately $5.00 (Taiwan) or Pipe cutter, available from Lowes. Cost: approximately $10.00 (USA)
• Drill, electric, hand-held or Dremel, and 1/16 drill bits (borrow hubbies if you don't have one!)
• Bench block and a hammer
• Copper wire: 20 ga. for chain couple of feet, 26 ga.
For the necklace:
• Pearls, small; approximately 12; large pearls, approximately 5, plus 2 tiny rice pearls or beads
• Filigree element in necklace (optional) or your choice
• Approximatley 5" small gauge chain of your choice
• 5 large pearls, 4 small pearls
• Small round or "rat tail" file
Kit includes full color instruction booklet, birch wood dowel, leather saddle and spacer; 6 inches 1/2” copper pipe (plenty for additional projects), 6 inches 1/4” copper pipe (plenty of extra pipe), fine grit sand paper, 11 tiny copper cup beads for necklace and earrings. Instructor will bring two hand-held torches, one large propane tank for making head pins from copper wire, three bench blocks, a clap to hold pipe for drilling (one for each student), and polish for copper to hold patina.
All class fees are prepaid. Kit fees are paid directly to the artist. Contact class manager Dede Warren at 714-757-0558 to reserve your place in this class. You may also reserve your place in person at the store by check, check, cash or credit card, or via phone with your credit card. Call us if you need assistance...we'll be happy to help!